Home Page / Undergraduate / Second year

Second year : a pre-specialization

Second year’s goals :

Second year is a continuation of First year and it goes more in depth into the multidisciplinary curriculum.

There are still fundamental courses, however more targeted courses are introduced. Every year, students can choose among 15 lectures. They opt for pre-specialization courses focusing on necessary skills when specializing in 4rd year.

This year represents for every student a decisive step to prepare their international mobility project who will determine their 3 year.

The program

Course name
Méthodes en études européennes
Méthodes en histoire contemporaine
Méthode en politique économique
Méthode du droit
Méthode en politique économique
Méthode en histoire contemporaine 4
Journée Data et Territoires
Méthodes documentaires
Course name
1 compulsory elective course :
Projet de recherche : archives, histoire et mémoires
Projet entrepreneurial
Projet médiation culturelle
Projet NATO
Projet simulation UE
Projet Storymap génocide des Tutsi au Rwanda
Projet Podcast : transition écologique
Projet Sociologie des controverses
Projet coopération internationale et action humanitaire
Projet solidarité internationale et action humanitaire
The student chooses a major : 3 compulsory courses within this major    
Political and legal
Economic and financial
  • Public economics
  • Economics of globalization / Économie de la mondialisation
  • Approche financière et comptable des organisations
Course name
Debate in foreign languages (English / Spanish)
Cultural studies : the United States of America: myths and narratives S3 and S4
Language and civilization course (German / italian)
Third Language (for beginners or intermediate levels) :
  • Chinese
  • Russian
  • Arabic
  • Portuguese
  • Japanese
  • French Sign Language
Course name
Writing workshop
Mathematics workshop
Technology and utilization of audiovisual devices
Supervised physical education
Exhibitions and spectacles
Unsupervised physical education